Treasures New and Old

Treasures New and Old

Messianic Ruth

The question that has been asked: In what ways is the Book of Ruth messianic?

I believe that an entire sermon series could be made on that one question alone. But the highlight of Ruth for me is the role of the kinsman-redeemer that God portrays through Boaz and the response that Ruth has as she plays the role of the Church. The word kinsman in Ruth 2:20 is actually two Hebrew words put together (compound word), min (or minney) and gaw-al. So the word would be pronounced (as best as I can put together) “minegaw-al.”

Min is Strong’s #H4480; and means: “properly a part of; hence . . . from or out of, . . . among, . . . from (among)”: the kinsman-redeemer had to be one of the family – so for us that means a human being – a man like Adam.

Gaw-al is Strong’s #H1350  and is a primitive root which means “to redeem (according to the Oriental law of kinship), that is, to be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative’s property, marry his widow, etc.): . . . avenger, deliver, (do, perform the part of near, next) kinsfolk (-man), purchase, ransom, redeem (-er), revenger.” So he avenges the wrongs against the family, buys them back, marries the widow, etc. – in general pays the price – no matter what the cost.

In summary, Boaz is the Kinsman-Redeemer and Ruth is the bride of Christ. There are several ways this is outlined for us . . .

  1. Ruth is a Gentile “engrafted” into the vine – the Church is primarily Gentile.
  2. Ruth embraces the Jewish God- as does the Church.
  3. Ruth can’t redeem herself (take care of herself) – the nearest kinsman must.
  4. Ruth is introduced to the redeemer by a Jew – Naomi; the Church is introduced to Christ via the Jewish Gospels and Epistles (and Old Testament).
  5. The Kinsman-Redeemer pays the bride price, as did Boaz, as did Christ.
  6. The Kinsman-Redeemer takes Ruth home to be with him after the wedding – as will Christ the Church
  7. The Kinsman-Redeemer redeems the debt (Ruth’s former husband -Naomi’s son) – Christ has paid our debt – the entire debt of all those that make up the Church.
  8. Prior to Ruth being introduced to Boaz – Boaz has his servants watch over and take care of Ruth and Naomi – Christ has chosen us from the foundation of the Earth and prepares us for the day we will be redeemed.
  9. As the Kinsman-Redeemer – Boaz forfeits his own inheritance to the family he redeems – Christ set aside His glory and became a man so that He could redeem us.
  10. Before Ruth loved Boaz – he loved her; just as Christ loved us and gave His life for us prior to our loving Him.

What a love story! We are all Ruths!

God bless you all!

Bro. Joe


Strong, J. Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries. Meyers, R. (2005). e-Sword. [computer software] . Franklin, TN: Equipping Ministries Foundation. (Original work published 1539)

Elkmont Baptist Church