Treasures New and Old

Called to Light

Treasures New and Old is taken from Matthew 13:52: “Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.” You can expect to find some well-known truths and doctrines of the faith as well as some new things that you might have not thought about or did not understand. We all need reminders of our Lord’s teachings – lest we forget His calling to us. But we also need to be stimulated unto love and good works with insights we may not have seen yet in our walk. This section of our website tries to provide that service. All works are copyrighted by the authors and Elkmont Baptist Church and may be freely used non-commercially, but must remain intact and retain authorship.

Recent Articles:

This month we will do part two of a three-month series regarding walking in the Spirit as we examine Romans, Chapter 8. The chapter is divided into five subjects, and we will look at two subjects this month: “Debtors to the Spirit” and Growing Through Sufferings”. Next month, we will finish this series and our investigations into Romans, Chapter 8, with the final two subjects: “Spirit Intercedes for Us” and “Walking in an Eternal Relationship”.

We are taking a deeper look at that discipleship lifestyle than we did in 2020 by looking at what I call God’s pattern for His disciples.

So far in this series we have looked at the following:

  1. What Being a Disciple of Christ Means
  2. Guarding our Hearts
  3. Making our Calling and Election Sure
Elkmont Baptist Church